5, 20 and 35 Acre Sequestration Leases Available on Panther Mountain, in the Wild and Beautiful Southern Adirondack Mountains in Up-State New York

  • 60-80 Year Old Hardwood Forest
  • Pristine, Incredibly beautiful
  • Natural Habitat for Black Bear, Deer, Wild Turkey, Bobcat, Etc....

Carbon Sequestration - Timberland Habitat Preservation

The Average Annual Carbon Emission Per Person (U.S.) is 20 Metric Tons Per Year

The Average Hardwood Forest (U.S. Northeast) Absorbs, or "Sequesters", About 1250 lbs per Acre Per Year

Additionally, an Acre of Undisturbed Forest Retains About 72 Metric Tons of Carbon... if Left Undisturbed

Increasing property taxes, soaring land values and higher timber prices all provide strong temptation for rural property land owners to monetize the natural resources on their properties. Many landowners, though not necessarily in favor of hunting, logging or gas leasing on their lands, are forced to in order to offset the cost of rising taxes and maintenance costs.........

Forest Adoption Land Leases give rural property land owners a more environmentally sensitive alternative to these other forms of realizing value from their acres of land

This Translates To:

  • ​​​About 35 Acres of natural forest required to neutralize, or absorb, the full impact of each persons annual carbon footprint emission. 
  • An Acre of preserved, undisturbed forest retains about 3 1/2 years of per person carbon footprint emission

What Can You Do???

Neutralize Some or All of Your Annual Carbon Footprint by Adopting and Preserving Natural Pristine Forestland and Wildlife Habitats

  • "Adopt" and secure designated acres of pristine Adirondack forest
  • Adopted lands are designated by specific GPS coordinates, and secured in the holder's name
  • Hunting, trespassing, logging and all human activity prohibited on preserved acres (sign-posted as such)
  • Structured as a legally executed annual leasehold agreement
  • You get full right of access and visitation rights to your adopted property (camping, alteration or other invasive activities prohibited)
  • Annual Cost of Adoption Lease:

       5   Acres: $250

       20 Acres: $800

       35 Acres: $1000 (Full annual carbon footprint offset for one person)
